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Feeling Angry? Learn How to Insult Someone in Chinese

You’ve made friends, maybe you’ve even gone on a date or two. Now it’s time to have your first big fight in Chinese!

Of course, I’m not condoning violence or being nasty in general, but sometimes you just need to blow off some steam and say what you really think.

Enjoy another of our no-frills vocabulary lists, all for venting anger and (eventually) making up.

Warming Up

我讨厌你。(wǒ tǎo yàn nǐ) I hate you.

我要杀了你!(wǒ yào shā le nǐ) I want to kill you.

过分了。 (nǐ tài guò fèn le) You’ve gone too far.

闭嘴!(bì zuǐ) Shut up!

别说了。(bié shuō le) Don’t speak

听我说。(tīng wǒ shuō) Listen to me.

滚出去。(gǔn chū qù) Get out of here!

我生气了。(wǒ shēng qì le) I’m annoyed.

气死我!(qì sǐ wǒ le) I’m furious!

冷静一点!(lěng jìng yī diǎn) Calm down!

你干什么?! (nǐ gàn shén me) What the hell are you doing?

你说完了没有? (nǐ shuō wán le méi yǒu) Have you finished speaking yet?

不关你的事!(bù guān nǐ de shì) It’s none of your business.

该死!(gāi sǐ) Damnit!

别再抱怨了! (bié zài bào yuàn le) Stop complaining!

别闹了。(bié nào le) Stop screwing around!

活该!  (huó gāi) You deserve it!

别管我!(bié guǎn wǒ) Leave me alone! (I need some space)

别烦我了!(bié fán wǒ le) Don’t bother me!

饶了我!(ráo le wǒ)  Stop going on at me! (in the case of being nagged incessantly)

唠叨 (láo dao) to nag

客气点! (kè qi diǎn) Be polite!

吵死人了!(chǎo sǐ rén le) The noise is killing me!

算了吧!(suàn le ba) Forget it!

你算老几?(nǐ suàn lǎo jǐ) Who do you think you are?


马不知脸长, 猴子不知屁股红。 (mǎ bù zhī liǎn cháng, hóu zi bù zhī pì gu hóng) You don’t know your own flaws! (Lit: A horse doesn’t know his face is long, a monkey doesn’t know it’s ass is red.)

你是个。。。(nǐ shì gè…) You’re a…!

你才是个。。。(nǐ cái shì gè) No, you’re a ….!

笨蛋 (bèn dàn) Stupid

装蒜 (zhuāng suàn) to play dumb

疯子 (fēng zi) Crazy person

你疯了吗? (nǐ fēng le ma?) Are you crazy?

神经病 (shén jīng bìng) Head-case

你有毛病吗? (nǐ yǒu máo bìng ma?) Are you crazy?

你有病吗?(nǐ yǒu bìng ma?) Are you crazy?

有毛病。(yǒu máo bìng)  You’re messed up.

不正常 (bú zhèng cháng) Not normal.

做白日梦 (zuò bái rì mèng)  Day dreaming

发呆 (fā dāi) blank stare

奇怪。(qí guài) Weird

莫名其妙。 (mò míng qímiào) This is too weird (something happened but you can’t explain it).

色狼 (sè láng) lecherous

 (zhū) Pig

白痴 (bái chī) Moron

短路 (duǎn lù) ’short circuit’

弱智 (ruò zhì) weak minded

二百五 (èr bǎi wǔ) stupid

三八 (sān bā) Nosy woman

吝啬 (lìn sè) Stingy

小气 (xiǎo qì) Stingy (more commonly used in spoken Chinese)

大嘴巴 (dà zuǐ bā) Big mouth

多嘴 (duō zuǐ) Shoot one’s mouth off

长舌妇 (cháng shé fù) Gossipy woman

长舌男 (cháng shé nán) Gossipy man

废物 (fèi wù) Useless

混混儿  (hùn hùnr) thug

怪物 (guài wu) Monster

不良少年 (bù liáng shào nián) juvenile delinquent

小心眼 (xiǎo xīn yǎn) Narrow minded

恶心 (ě xīn) to be disgusted

刻薄 (kè bó) nasty

没良心 (méi liáng xīn) No conscience

薄情郎 (bó qíng láng) Heartless lover

冷血动物 (lěng xuèdòng wù) Cold-hearted (Lit: Cold-blooded animal)

丑八怪 (chǒu bā guài) Extremely ugly

也不照照镜子 (yě bù zhào zhào jìng zi) Take a look in the mirror.

胆小鬼 (dǎn xiǎo guǐ) Coward

小气鬼 (xiǎo qì guǐ) Miser

懒虫 (lǎn chóng) Lazy

不知好歹 (bù zhī hǎo dǎi) Unappreciative

不知死活 (bù zhī sǐ huó) Reckless

心里有鬼 (xīn li yǒu guǐ) Your conscience bothers you

心里有数 (xīn lǐ yǒu shù) You know what you must do

我再也不要看到你。(wǒ zài yě bù yào kàn dào nǐ) I never want to see you again.

我要走了。(wǒ yào zǒu le) I’m leaving!

给我滚蛋 (gěi wǒ gǔn dàn)Screw you

绿茶婊 (lǜ chá biǎo) “Green tea bitch” a girl who is two-faced

贱人 (jiàn rén) Bitch

王八蛋 (wáng bā dàn) SOB

混蛋 (hún dàn) Bastard


对不起 (duì bu qǐ) Excuse me

抱歉 (bào qiàn) To feel sorry/regretful

原谅我吧 ( yuán liàng wǒ ba) Please forgive me!

我原谅你。(wǒ yuán liàng nǐ) I forgive you.

我不能原谅你。(wǒ bù néng yuán liàng nǐ) I can’t forgive you.

我永远不会原谅你。(wǒ yǒng yuǎn bù huì yuán liàng nǐ) I can never forgive you.

我想道歉。(wǒ xiǎng dào qiàn) I want to apologize

你最好道歉。(nǐ zuì hǎo dào qiàn) You’d better apologize.

算了,别再这样就好了。 (suàn le, bié zài zhè yàng jiù hǎo le)) Ok, but don’t ever let it happen again.

下不为例。(xià bù wéi lì) Don’t do it again.

算你对 (suàn nǐ duì) Ok, you’re right.

算你赢。(suàn nǐ yíng) Ok, you win.

算我输。(suàn wǒ shū) Ok, I lose.

你是。。。(nǐ shì…) You are…

我是。。。(wǒ shì…)  I am…

他是。。。(tā shì…) He is…

对了。(duì le) Right.

错了。(cuò le) Wrong.

报应 (bào yìng) Retribution

恶有恶报。(è yǒu è bào) What goes around comes around. (bad deeds)

善有善报。(shàn yǒushàn bào) What goes around comes around. (good deeds)



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