Past, Present and Future Tenses in Mandarin Chinese
May 27, 2016 - 42 Comments
This week our question comes from Melissa, who asks us “What advice can you give to someone with allergies travelling in China?” If you want to ask us a question just go to our voicemail page and leave us your question! In This Episode, We Talk About… Nora’s fact about the Gobi desert. Smuggler caught with… Read More
Although learning to write Chinese characters with a pen or pencil can really help you to remember how to read, and obviously write characters, sometimes it’s nice to change things up a bit! It’s kind of fun to use your mouse or finger to ‘draw’ or write on your computer screen, which is exactly what… Read More
This week our question comes from Sarai, who asks us “How much will bills cost in Shenzhen?” If you want to ask us a question just go to our voicemail page and leave us your question! In This Episode, We Talk About… Nora’s fact about plastic surgery in the Chinese movie industry. Chinese “Little Brat”… Read More
Some of the first recorded texts in China’s history are poems, such as their long and respected history in Chinese culture. Literary Chinese, which came about around 771 BCE, was the language used to write poetry during the ‘golden age’ of China, as well as many popular books of the time such as those written… Read More
This week our question comes from Caroline, who asks us “What’s it like being a university student in HK and China?” If you want to ask us a question just go to our voicemail page and leave us your question! In This Episode, We Talk About… Nora’s fact about the middle classes Married couple discover… Read More
It will only take [est_time] to read this post! It’s fair to say that we LOVE Chinese breakfast food. Maybe it’s the delicious flavours or maybe it’s because it’s OK to eat noodles as your first meal of the day. It’s probably the fact that compared with western choices, (what? toast, cereal or a fry-up?)… Read More