Written Chinese

Scavenger Sunday Episode 4 – 心 (xīn)

Welcome to Episode 4 of our Scavenger Sunday video series, were we ask YOU to send us your character pictures and videos!

This week Nora and Allen look at the character 心 (xīn). You can check out the great user created videos and photos AND some 心 example sentences to try out!

You can check out the Youku video here too!

A: Hi! Welcome back to Scavenger Sunday.
N: 我是 Nora!欢迎收看我们的节目!
A: I’m Allen from WrittenChinese.Com and this week we want to show you the 心 character!
N: Allen, what does 心 mean?
A: Generally, 心means heart.
N: Oh, you mean this kind of heart?

[Use fingers to make a love heart]

A: Well, yes but for Chinese people, 心 is also about the mind. You’ll find many characters with the 心 radical that have some connection to thoughts and feelings.
N: Oh yeah, for example, 想 (xiǎng), which means to think, suppose or believe.
A, Or 忘, let’s say 我忘了!which means ‘I forgot!’
N: So can you give us some 心 example sentences?
A: Sure. One useful 心 example is 我今天心情不错,this means ‘I am in good mood today’.
N: Nice. So, now you know a little bit about the 心 character, let’s have a look at some of those Scavenger Sunday videos!

A: Great job guys!
N: Yeah, and there were some great handwritten characters in there as well! Allen, can you show us how to write this week’s character?
A: Of course!
N: So this week’s character is 大 (dà), meaning big.
A: Here we go…
[character demo]

A: OK guys, I want to show you how to write the 大 character. The first stroke we call 横 (héng) in Chinese which goes left to right like this and the second stroke is 撇 (piě), curving stroke from right to left and the third stroke we call 捺 (nà) in Chinese which is from left to right. So that’s the 大 character on the board. Hope you like it!

N: Thanks Allen! So now you guys can go and try it out yourself!
A: Yes, this week we want to see more videos, more photos, and more pictures!
N: I agree. We would also like to thank everyone who’s sent us pictures and videos so far. We couldn’t do it ourselves so keep those videos coming!
A: Good luck with this week’s character: 大
N: Yep, and don’t forget to post your photos and video at www.facebook.com/writtenchinese
A: Don’t forget to check out our Chinese learning mobile apps at www.writtenchinese.com/apps
N: See you next time! 下次见!

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